Monday, November 30, 2009

Day 2 - Visit to Shi Lin Night Market

After our dinner, we went to Shi Lin Night Market which was abuzz with activity. The hustle and bustle of the hawkers, drink sellers etc was an eye catching experience. The children managed to drink Taiwan's version of bubble tea! Slurp!!!

士林夜市是台北颇具规模且相当知名的认夜市之一,位于文林路、大东路、大南路和小北街一带,有超过五百家店面和摊贩,范围十分广泛。在士林夜市里可以尝到全国各地的美味小吃,如蚵仔面线、天妇罗、蚵仔煎、清蒸油炸肉丸、珍珠奶茶、广东粥、日式寿司、韩国泡菜锅等…… 大家吃饱喝足后还沿途看到各式的皮包、鞋子、衣服及小饰品,总类琳琅满目,物美价廉的吸引力,让不少同学荷包大失血。

Day 2 - Visit to Taipei 101

When the lessons at Affiliated Experimental Elementary School of Taipei Municipal University of Education ended at about 4pm today, we continued our long awaited journey to Taipei 101, the third tallest building in the world (as of today), measuring a height of 1,670 feet. Our students enjoyed themselves as we went up the lift to the 89th floor which took just 37 seconds. Just look at their happy faces...

在一北市立教育大学附设实验国民小学上完第一天的课程后,大家带着欣悦的心情来到了台北101大楼。同学们都期待搭乘金氏世界纪录最快速恒压电梯。电梯只花37秒,以每分钟1010公尺的速度,便把同学们送到直达标高382公尺的89层观景台。在89层观景台上能看到景色迷人的台北夜景。我们一行人也不忘了在哪儿拍照留念。观赏了台北夜景,我们便到88层以近距离观览世界最大(直径5.5公尺)、由41层12.5公分厚的钢板焊接而成,净重达660公吨 风阻尼器的完整主体结构。

Day 2 - Affiliated Experimental Elementary School of Taipei Municipal University of Education

Today our students met up with their buddies over in Taiwan Affiliated Experimental School of Taipei Municipal University of Education . We were given a warm welcome by their scouts. Look how happy they were to see us! It was a magnificent school. The principal and her staff warmly welcomed us as they told us how their school was run and the activities and events that they take part in. Do you know that they have even been visited by a school from Ireland? We were even shown one of their favourite games that they are ver passionate about and it was like their version of dodgeball and even girls could play too! Yet another eye opener!


Day 1 selected photographs

Sunday, November 29, 2009

Day 1 - Arrival at Taiwan, Pottery making and Old Ying Ge

After pottery making, we went to the old street of Ying Ge and ended our tiring day with a sumptuous steamboat dinner! We then headed to the hotel and all of us are in dreamland now. Goodnight!

制作了陶艺品后,大家当然也不忘到莺歌老街走一趟!莺歌老街位于台北的 近郊,堪称是全球全方位的陶瓷专业区,有“台湾景德镇”之称,拥有各式各样的陶瓷,其种类丰富齐备可为世界上绝无仅有,凸显出莺歌“陶瓷之都”的独特风 貌。大家漫步街头只见贩卖陶瓷品的商店鳞次节比,好不热闹啊!

The children enjoyed their pottery making sessions as it was all hands on! The soft feel of the clay, the speed of the turn-table and their creative genuises combined to make very interesting pieces of pottery! Many of them really concentrated on making their pottery pieces as they expertly guided their hands over the once shapeless clay and created them into their works of art.

同学们到台湾的第一项活动是亲手制作陶艺品。大致 来分,制作陶艺品有三个程序:成型、烘焙和上釉。同学们参与的是“成型”。成型分为几个种类,有注浆成型、盘绕成型、挤压成型以及拉抷成型。同学们做的就 是拉抷成型。同学们使用一个名为拉抷机的机器,踏一踏脚踏,机子上的盘就会快速转动。这时同学们便将手探进柔软的粘土里开洞,借助旋转运动的惯力让粘土向 外扩展,向上推升,形成环形的墙体。这么有趣的活动,同学们当然乐此不疲。

Our tour guides gave us lots of information about Taiwan and even explained why the 'Welcome to Taiwan' logo was designed in a particular manner. We proceeded to a restaurant for a yummy lunch before heading for pottery making. Many kids loved the mango dessert which tasted both sweet and sour and was really refreshing. (They also 'loved' their vegetables.)


Greetings from Fantastic Taiwan!

Everybody arrived at the airport early for our flight to Taiwan. The eager faces and enthusiastic responses were evident as our Hong Wen pupils were so excited to board the flight. Other than the occasional turbulence, it was an enjoyable flight. We reached Taipei International Airport at about 2pm.

Tuesday, November 24, 2009


Please post your questions in comments.

Things to be placed in the backpack

1. Taiwan Booklet
2. Pencilbox (pen, pencil & highlighter)
3. Wallet
4. Jacket
5. Sweater/Cardigan/Long sleeve shirt
6. Raincoat
7. Cap
8. Lip balm/lip gloss
9. Water bottle
10. Tissue
11. Hand Sanitizer
12. Camera (optional)
13. Shawl
Remember to also bring
1. Form for declaration of medicine
2. 1 set of new school uniform
3. 5 t-shirts ( 1 yellow, 2 blue, 1 red and 1 white)

Thursday, November 5, 2009
