When the lessons at Affiliated Experimental Elementary School of Taipei Municipal University of Education ended at about 4pm today, we continued our long awaited journey to Taipei 101, the third tallest building in the world (as of today), measuring a height of 1,670 feet. Our students enjoyed themselves as we went up the lift to the 89th floor which took just 37 seconds. Just look at their happy faces...
在一北市立教育大学附设实验国民小学上完第一天的课程后,大家带着欣悦的心情来到了台北101大楼。同学们都期待搭乘金氏世界纪录最快速恒压电梯。电梯只花37秒,以每分钟1010公尺的速度,便把同学们送到直达标高382公尺的89层观景台。在89层观景台上能看到景色迷人的台北夜景。我们一行人也不忘了在哪儿拍照留念。观赏了台北夜景,我们便到88层以近距离观览世界最大(直径5.5公尺)、由41层12.5公分厚的钢板焊接而成,净重达660公吨 风阻尼器的完整主体结构。
在一北市立教育大学附设实验国民小学上完第一天的课程后,大家带着欣悦的心情来到了台北101大楼。同学们都期待搭乘金氏世界纪录最快速恒压电梯。电梯只花37秒,以每分钟1010公尺的速度,便把同学们送到直达标高382公尺的89层观景台。在89层观景台上能看到景色迷人的台北夜景。我们一行人也不忘了在哪儿拍照留念。观赏了台北夜景,我们便到88层以近距离观览世界最大(直径5.5公尺)、由41层12.5公分厚的钢板焊接而成,净重达660公吨 风阻尼器的完整主体结构。
1 comment:
Great to see all of you enjoying yourselves. Some of you look slightly tired. Hope that you'll get enough rest tonight in preparation for more FUN tomorrow! Go, Hong Wen, Go!!!
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