After our dinner, we went to Shi Lin Night Market which was abuzz with activity. The hustle and bustle of the hawkers, drink sellers etc was an eye catching experience. The children managed to drink Taiwan's version of bubble tea! Slurp!!!
士林夜市是台北颇具规模且相当知名的认夜市之一,位于文林路、大东路、大南路和小北街一带,有超过五百家店面和摊贩,范围十分广泛。在士林夜市里可以尝到全国各地的美味小吃,如蚵仔面线、天妇罗、蚵仔煎、清蒸油炸肉丸、珍珠奶茶、广东粥、日式寿司、韩国泡菜锅等…… 大家吃饱喝足后还沿途看到各式的皮包、鞋子、衣服及小饰品,总类琳琅满目,物美价廉的吸引力,让不少同学荷包大失血。
士林夜市是台北颇具规模且相当知名的认夜市之一,位于文林路、大东路、大南路和小北街一带,有超过五百家店面和摊贩,范围十分广泛。在士林夜市里可以尝到全国各地的美味小吃,如蚵仔面线、天妇罗、蚵仔煎、清蒸油炸肉丸、珍珠奶茶、广东粥、日式寿司、韩国泡菜锅等…… 大家吃饱喝足后还沿途看到各式的皮包、鞋子、衣服及小饰品,总类琳琅满目,物美价廉的吸引力,让不少同学荷包大失血。
Hi all
Just some additional information about the school that we have visited today. The full name of the school is Affiliated Experimental Elementary School of Taipei Municipal University of Eudcation - isn't that a long name ?
The school has a very long history too - older than Hong Wen School by 7 years ! They will be celebrating their 96th Anniversary next week.
The school also has a SWIMMING POOL - wow !
The other interesting fact that we have learnt about the school is that the President - Mr Ma Yingjiu, is an alumni of the school!
Tomorrow the children will continue to be attached to different classes, and the teachers will start to focus on Teaching and Learning, in which they observe and experience classroom practices and good teaching strategies, in which the school takes pride of.
Mrs Sim
Wow, quite a bit of information here. Maybe there's something we can learn about how they organise their 96th Anniversary? Hope to hear more soon. (Mdm Lim JL)
Dear all,
Are you looking forward to the stay at Tou Cheng Farm? Do learn as much as you can while enjoying yourselves there. Come back and share what you've learnt with all of us! :)
(Mdm Lim JL)
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