Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Day 3 - Lessons at Affiliated Experimental Elementary School of Taipei Municipal University of Education



Our Hong Wen students were attached to different classrooms and were exposed to various subjects such as PE lessons, Chinese lessons, English lessons and Science lessons etc. This is a great way to learn what is happeningin other countries. I wish I had this opportunity when I was their age. Anyhow, I am very sure that the students know where they stand in their various subjects but most importantly to keep an open mind and learn whatever they can learn from their lesson experiences. Our HWS pupils were also called by their 'new' teachers to speak to their 'new' classmates both in English and Chinese. They were also asked to join in the various activities with their classmates. Superb! This exchange of information will surely be so beneficial for everybody! Kudos to learning!


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