Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Day 4 - Tou Cheng Farm




今晚,同学们显得格外地兴奋。原来今晚的晚餐,同学们能自己动手起火烤肉。其实,除了吃烤肉外, 农场也准备了不少好吃的东西如竹筒饭、炒米粉、切仔面等。好吃的东西可真不少啊!

Dear parents, we arrived at the farm safely afer a relaxing ride on the tour bus. The children are enjoying themselves. The food is superb and delicious and the highlight was when we did 'Fang Tian Deng' - releasing these tracing paper made 'hot air' balloons. The sight of these was awesome. Guess what! There were fireworks too! Cool?

We started off just being amazed at how big Tou Cheng farm was. The air was very refreshing and after checking in to our rooms, we started by going to the kiln to bake sweet potatoes. Building the kiln was no easy task. Even though everyone paid attention, it was not easy at all. Many groups took a long time to create the kiln with stones and there was mathematics, science and cooperative techniques involved. The old adage 'Many Hands make light work' could never have been so right! The groups had to work together and even though they didn't get it right the first time, they persevered! Way to go HWS! The farm hands helped us out and luckily a few groups got it right. We even got to eat the sweet potatoes later on. There was also this kind elderly lady who helped us out and turns out she was from Singapore as well! What a small world we live in.

Moving on...
I will always remember this night as the students and the teachers wrote their wishes on tracing paper like material most wishing for good PSLE results (Yeah!) and the guides lit them up for us. The weather was cool, the wind was co-operative and it was like a scene from movie especially when the calm soothing music played at the background and the 'balloons' rose up majestically floating in the air. Oohs and aahs were heard all around as all of us were amazed by the spectacle occuring! The teachers' 'balloon's fire was put out by strong wind but by some miracle, reignited and flew off into the dark sky like a lantern floating to the heavens!
I want to do this again!
May all our wishes come true!

告别了一北市立教育大学附设实验国民小学后,我们一同起程前往位于台湾东北角海岸线上的宜兰头城农场。农场占地约100公顷,大部分是山坡地,约50余公顷是桂竹林,内有平溪、桃子林溪和大溪等三条溪流贯穿其中。同学们可以在宜兰头城农场感受一下与都市截然不同的生活步调。抵达农场的第一项体验田野生活的活动是烤地瓜。看着农场指导员捡了几块土块就搭起了一个窑门,然后不到五分钟就把土窑给搭好了.又不到五分钟,窑门就开始燃起熊熊的火焰了。等换同学们始动手时, 没二下就搭得东倒西歪的。大家这才惊觉要搭起一个窑并非易事。靠着同学们的毅力, 终于搭起了个像样的小土窑。同学们立刻起火,可是没多久,火熄了,小土窑也倒了。值得赞扬的是,遇到挫折的同学们一点也没灰心。大家又重头来过,重新搭起了小土窑,然后努力地起火...... 终于成功了!同学们真棒!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

woahhhhh! An experience that they will never forget.

Hope they were told not to let one go in Singapore! :-)
